In a recent document from the Bank of Japan, the central bank stressed the need for offline availability.
In this DeFi wave, there are various signs that the centralized exchange is obviously panicked in this DeFi shock. Although these head centralized exchanges have their own rules, the centralized governance method will inevitably have some phenomena that are not conducive to the development of the industry. Therefore, many blockchain technology geeks have invested in the research and developmen
Featuring websites such as Wikipedia, Quora, and MOOC, and their Chinese equivalents Baidu Baike (百度百科), Zhihu (知乎), and Dedao (得到), respectively, the online knowledge economy has spawned enterprises that make our lives more convenient.
Wang Wenzeng: Nama pena: Wang Shengquan, juga dikenali sebagai Wang Zongze, nama undang-undang: Jerman, murid ke-31 Kuil Songshan Shaolin. Lelaki, lahir pada tahun 1958, berasal dari Kota Baoding, Provinsi Hebei, sekarang tinggal di Beijing. Dia lulus dari Hebei University of Political Science and Law dan belajar di Art Department of Peking University. Sejak berusia 6 tahun, dia telah belajar buku
The scale of global insurance market is developing rapidly. The global annual premium is more than 5 trillion US dollars, and it is still in rapid development. There is a hidden crisis behind the high growth data. The problem of trust system is always an insurmountable weakness of the traditional insurance industry, which has a serious impact on the sustainability of the insurance industry.
More than 30 major Japanese firms, including banks, are set to trial a common, private digital currency next year to improve payments.
Bitcoin pared its rally this week after briefly climbing past $55,000 amid ongoing speculation about whether the largest cryptocurrency can test the record it set last month.
The Republic of Turkey was established in 1923. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the nation in 2023, Turkish President Erdogan adopted various incentive policies to make Turkey one of the top ten economies in the world. In September 2018, the Turkish Parliament revised the bill to lower the minimum amount of real estate investment immigration from US$1 million to US$250,000,
MARAWI CITY—The Information and Evidence Unit Office of the International Criminal Court Prosecutor (ICC) on Thursday (Feb 25) assured a Moro peace activist that the tribunal “will give consideration” to his letter on reported killings last year of civilians in Afghanistan by western troops.
Crypto Finance Conference (CfC) St. Moritz, an international crypto event held in St. Moritz, will take place from Jan. 20–22, 2021, and feature speakers from key industry firms and institutions like Winklevoss Capital, Swiss National Bank, the European Parliament, Ledger and others. Cointelegraph will serve as the main media partner for the CfC St. Moritz 2021.